Swimming Holes New England: 50 of the Best Swimming Spots


Our good friend Sarah Lamagna has been busy finding the best places for us to swim this summer!

Swimming Holes New England focuses on off-the-beaten path swimming holes across the six states that make up New England. Get away from the typical beaches that are scattered throughout the New England coast line and enjoy the wilderness that blankets a large majority of the area with these hidden swimming areas. With so many people flocking to the outdoors these days, it's not easy to find more secluded spots to dip your toes in the water. This book provides the best places to not only find a perfect spot to cool off from the humid summers, but also places to find a bit solitude.

Look inside to find:

  • How to get to the swimming spot
  • Hiking time, difficulty, trail surface, and elevation gain
  • Water temperature and land status
  • Maps and GPS coordinates
  • If dogs are allowed
  • Trail safety
  • Leave No Trace principles

296 pages
6x9 inches

Sarah Lamagna is an avid outdoorswoman with a great love for books and creating stories. Her career has spanned many topics and locations including working as a professional ecologist for almost fifteen years. Sarah specializes in the ecotourism and slow/sustainable travel industry. Her bylines include The Denver Post, 5280 magazine, VeryWellFamily, Territory Supply, Outdoors.com, and Matador Network. She was also welcomed as an expert on NPR's The Takeaway for her work on the wildfires in Colorado.

Sarah lives here in New England with her family where you will likely find her in her favorite mountain range: the White Mountains. She has been a KIT regular since our very first storytime on the stoop and is a regular contributor to our KIT Journal helping educate our community about everything from trail etiquette to animal facts!